
Published by Team Jimin
Project 4 Flask Js Databases Apis Python Bootstrap Utility Continuous Integration Regex


Smithy is an interactive web site designed for Stuyvesant High School's Software Development course. Our team saw the utility of a forum for project feedback, and eventually, Smithy was born.

About the Project

Smithy is the culmination of everything Team Jimin had learned through Stuyvesant's SoftDev course and to make our mark for future generations of devos. We weren't all god-tier programmers, but we worked hard, we stayed focused, and that determination payed off in the form of a site that we could be proud of. Smithy invites students to join the ranks of devos and briefly describe who they are, what they feel their skill set is, and give their social information. These devos can also post their prized SoftDev projects, and interact with those projects in a variety of ways (from ratings to comments). Of course, admin Thluffy Sinclair has the additional ability of looking over the raw data behind Smithy. Smithy was meant to be a place that would promote more communication and collaboration between devos, but also a place where they could plant their flag, and show of their projects. We hope that's what it will become.

Question, Comments, Concerns


This project sucks!


Noakai Aronesty

Wow, this project is awesome!!!


Overall Project Rating: 5.0

Team Jimin
Project Manager: Alejandro Alonso
Devo: Noakai Aronesty
Devo: Justin Zou
Devo: Ivan Lam
Project Repo Hosted Site
Thluffy's Commentary
No Commentary Yet.